Different Combinations of Biochar and Urea as A Nitrogen Source: Effect on Growth, Tuber Quality, and Yield of Potato

Samir Kunwar, Rajan Pariyar, Sandesh Bhatta

Doi: 10.26480/sfna.01.2022.52.57

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Field research was carried out to examine the biochar effect on growth, tuber quality, and yield of the potato crop. Treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block design with 7 treatments of different combinations of biochar and urea (BC100%, BC80%+Urea20%, BC60%+Urea40%, BC40%+Urea60%, BC20%+Urea80%, Urea100%, BCC) as nitrogen source with 4 replications, where all treatments supply recommended dose of fertilizer except control treatment (BCC). The tested variety of potato was Janakdev. The recorded observations showed that biochar mixed with chemical fertilizer had a significantly superior effect on growth (height, branches number, canopy), marketable tuber weight and number, tuber size, yield, and dry matter % as compared to sole biochar (BC100%), sole chemical fertilizer (Urea100%), and control (BCC) treatments. Among the treatments, BC40%+Urea60% (Biochar applied @ 10 t/ha) had resulted significantly higher marketable tuber weight and number, tuber size, yield, and dry matter %. Our results thus demonstrate that the application of chemical fertilizer in combination with biochar could effectively enhance the plant growth, tuber quality, and yield of the potato crop.

Pages 52-57
Year 2022
Issue 1
Volume 3